A little help IDing birds in my yeard please . . .

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A little help IDing birds in my yeard please . . .

Square Grouper
Hello, I think I have figured out the answer to my question but would appreciate some help as I am far from an expert on identifying bird species.  We have feeders out in our backyard and this winter we have had a lot of these little guys and girls.  I have sen them sporadically in the past but thus year we have had a lot more.  I think they are American Goldfinches in their winter colors but if I'm wrong please let me know.

I have included a couple extras of some other visitors.  We have had painted buntings visit for years.  I usually only put out feed w/a lot of white millet so they keep coming.  the other birds chased the buntings off for a while but eventually they all started getting along.  The woodpeckers are regular visitors but they normally don't sit still for long enough to get a decent picture.  

Lastly, thanks for keeping this site going.  My stepson graduated from West Broward in 2015 so we don't get out that way as much as we used to but I still check in here from time to time and it's good to see the eagles are still there (even w/a different female).  



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Re: A little help IDing birds in my yeard please . . .

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Sorry that the FORUM page settings did not permit replies as it should have. I just fixed the problem I'm sure others wanted to reply and you probably have this figured out by now.

The first two photos show American Goldfinches. They do not appear every winter, so I certainly will be looking for them here in west Miramar.

The third and fourth show male and female Painted Buntings, and the fifth has the male Painted Bunting.

Finally, there is a Red-bellied Woodpecker. The photo nicely shows the indistinct red in its lower belly.
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Re: A little help IDing birds in my yard please . . .

Square Grouper
Thanks for getting back to me and no worries on any delay.

I live in the Ivanhoe Hawkes Bluff development roughly at Stirling and Dykes, so not too far from you.  Hopefully some of the finches make it your way.  I think I have seen them in the past but this year we have had a lot of them, maybe 10-12 at a time on 2 feeders, so I have noticed it more.

The buntings on the other hand have been regulars for several years, and I see the woodpeckers year round.  This was the first time I could get a good shot of the belly and prove to my son that they really do have red on their bellies, hence the name.