APR 27: Eaglet sighted in Palm Springs North nest DA004

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APR 27: Eaglet sighted in Palm Springs North nest DA004

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Several residents in the Palm Springs North community have reported continued activity at the nest.

On April 27 two neighbors went for a walk after hearing some eagle chatter. They took the binoculars with them, and found two eagles off to the side of the nest on a distant tree. They had not seen seen any activity for a week.

While they were watching another neighbor who lives on 86th Ave which is closer to the nest said the pair had one eaglet, which the others did not know. This person watches them all the time and I hope to soon have much more information about the status of the nest.

It appears that this pair is following the unusual pattern of breeding later in the season, which may occur after failure of the first attempt. This is happening this year all over Florida, most likely because of the unusual weather pattern of rain and severe winds from thunderstorms in January and February.