Adult Eagle spotted in Davie daily

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Adult Eagle spotted in Davie daily

I have seen an adult Eagle almost everyday since Memorial day in Davie. I live on a small lake and the Eagle shows up between 4:30pm and 6:30pm. It has taken many baby ducklings. It seems to know where and when the are available. The sightings have been seen by many neighbors now. I will continue to try and get a picture , however it is very difficult. If anyone in the area has sighted the Eagle , I would like to hear about those sightings. Seeing an Eagle in flight is a blessing !
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Re: Adult Eagle spotted in Davie daily

I agree, it is exciting to observe the eagles.  I'd be interested in photo opportunities to document the Davie sightings.  Please provide the location details.  You may send me a private email if preferred.

Perhaps there is an unknown nest location?  

Thanks, Sally