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Audubon Florida EagleWatch

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Audubon Florida EagleWatch

89 posts
Cheryl Merz from Audubon Florida EagleWatch responded to my request for a status of the Quiet Waters Eagles nest.  She indicated that they have not received any new information about a nest.  

It would be great to watch some eaglets grow up and fledge this season.  I will continue to search for our eagles and hope that others will join me.   Renfest returns on February 2, which will restrict access to the Marina.  

Thanks and happy New Year!

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Re: Audubon Florida EagleWatch

32 posts
Hi Sally,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to reply to your other message.  I am one of the Eaglewatch volunteers for this nest.  I have been going at least once a week or more spending about 2 hours each visit.  They have done some "restorations" in the beginning of the season to the nest they used last year out on the Sawgrass. I saw them mating twice the week of Thanksgiving and shortly after, she was very low in the nest for weeks.  Wednesday, Jan. 8th I was there and one was perched above the nest, the other behind the nest tree.  The one on the branch above the nest flew off and returned within 5 minutes with a fish. It went behind the nest for about 5 minutes and then returned to the nest with a probably 1/2 eaten fish.  Then she appeared to be feeding eaglet(s) and then went back to perching above the nest.  I went this last Wednesday, the 15th and didn't see any eagle on the nest or around it.  One was in the tree behind the nest for about 45 minutes and then flew off, I waited another hour, but it didn't return.  So I went again the next day, and saw no eagles at all.  Another volunteer was watching from the campgrounds and saw nothing as well.  So she came over and we decided to walk around the nest tree looking for any feathers, disturbance or eaglets and saw nothing.  No eagles vocalized or came while we were there.  I have a bike friend and he said he saw one on the nest today.  So I went today and there was one sitting high on the nest, after 2 hours it flew off and returned in like 3 minutes with a fish.  It went behind the nest and then perched not returning to the nest for the next 30 minutes when I left. So at this point, I'm not sure we have surviving eaglets or not because of the behaviors this week.  I will continue to monitor and will update when I can confirm more. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, psirbola@gmail.com or 954-478-2847 (cell)
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Re: Audubon Florida EagleWatch

89 posts

Thanks Patti and certainly no need for an apology.  I am so glad that you located the nest and that we can hopefully continue to monitor our eagle family.

Thanks again for all of the information provided.
