August 8, 10, 13 and 14: Adults over west Miramar

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August 8, 10, 13 and 14: Adults over west Miramar

Adult eagles are flying over the wetlands of west Miramar almost every morning around sunrise. All generally follow a couse from nest area SE to Sunset Lakes subdivision or beyond.

August 8 at 7:44 AM, about an hour after sunrise, looked like female Jewel:

August 10 at 6:56 AM, 5 minutes after sunrise, one was flying toward the south east quite distant to the east badly backlit could not tell age and was unable to get a photo. This second one flew over at 7:19 AM and was an adult which also looked like Jewel.

August 13 at 6:51 AM, 2 minutes before sunrise, the large female Jewel flew over:

August 14 at 6:56 AM, 3 minutes after sunrise. This one looked like the male Pride: