A ground observer has reported that two adult Bald Eagles are circling the nest and calling out to each other at the nest on 87th avenue in Palm Springs North. Florida FWS has given it a temporary nest ID of DA941.
You may recall that the nest tree is on the planned site for a "mega" shopping center with a Wall Mart.
The last I heard, the plans for the shopping center are still ongoing but will appreciate any information about the status of the plans. Since it is an "active" nest the Florida FWC has a duty to assure that the eagles or nest tree are not disturbed, and particularly that the eagles are not injured or driven to abandon the nest. This restriction applies for a three year period. Any construction in the area must take into consideration the Bald Eagle Management Guidelines and only a FWC permit for such activity will protect the developer from liability in the event that the nest is abandoned or the eagles are "taken."
The last I heard, the Florida FWC had a volunteer watching the nest during the road construction but have no further information as to the findings of any monitoring activity.
I do not know what happened to the eagles last breeding season. The last time I checked was on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 and there was no sign of them. Others had checked a few weeks before and also did not see the eagles.
Of course the road work went almost up to the tree. I frankly feared that they might have been frightened away or even harassed or injured. Was there ever evidence that they raised any eaglets? Some neighbors who opposed the construction were subject to criticism by supporters of the shopping center, but I hope someone will speak up.
Very interesting to know that they have arrived. Let's get the word out so that perhaps more eyes can be kept on them.
If anyone can add information, please post here!
I have had a computer crash and lost all my e-mail files. Does anyone have the e-mail for Matt Smith, Florida Audubon EagleWatch Coordinator?