Cedar Waxwings at West Pines Soccer Park and Nature Preserve

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Cedar Waxwings at West Pines Soccer Park and Nature Preserve

After checking out the eagle nest this morning, we stopped at the Soccer Park, which is off 196th Avenue just south of Pines Boulevard. We had a flock of about 15 Cedar Waxwings, just off the boardwalk. The morning sun is harsh and directly in front, so it's better to photograph there in the afternoon. We also saw a Belted Kingfisher, a Great Egret, and Little Blue and Green Herons. A Cooper's Hawk sailed overhead with the many vultures.

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Re: Cedar Waxwings at West Pines Soccer Park and Nature Preserve

Nice shots, Ken! I'm still waiting for a photo op of them!  They are always moving really fast, really high!