I watched the nest for a half hour from about 8:25 AM this morning. One adult was on the nest, its bill, pointing to the left, barely visible or invisible through the nest rim. No other aduls were in sight.
Patience can be rewarded. Observing during incubation is a bit like watching the grass grow. Three things can make it more interesting. The incubating adult may shift positions, standing up and often rotating 180 degrees about every 20-30 minutes. Another adult may be found roosting nearby on watch. Thirdly, the pair may exchange incubation duties. The latter action usually takes place a few times during the day, but the events can be 2-3 hours apart. Sometimes the incubating adult begins to move about and perhaps starts calling. When the mate arrives they may call together and there may be interesting interaction. We have sometimes seen the male (Pride) act as if he does not want to give up his duties and the female (Jewel) almost seems to push him out of the nest.
At about 8:50 AM I was ready to depart when the eagle decided to change position:
I almost missed the action, as it only took less than a minute. I am not sure whether this was the male or the female of the pair. I am guessing the male based upon the gape seeming not to reach very deep under the eye and one profile seems to show a low forehead. However its head seems quite large and rounded in the face-on view, resembling that of the female of this pair. It is so much easier to tell them apart when they are together.