The Miramar Pair is incubating...soon eaglets will be born!
Here the Female in the nest...

Every time is more difficult to capture images of the pair...The nest is very far and vegetation has been growing and closing the only "window" that allows for direct observations of the nest...

In the area is also possible to find wood storks..

as well as Hawks...

and a family of the female on an antenna in the grounds of the elementary school

The area offers protection and food such as fish, rabbits, squirrels, waterfowl to the Eagles, fish to the Ospreys and small rodents and snakes to the hawks and merlin falcons...
But is not paradise for the birds (and dogs and cats and horses, etc) when people celebrates New Year's eve with fireworks right in front of the home of the birds...

After what I suppose was a rough night for the Miramar Eagles (I watched the new nest cam for Ron and Rita, a couple of eagles in Miami Dade (Wildlife rescue of Dade county)...The nest is in a very populated area...but it was horrible to watch.. the Eagles totally stressed out, fighting an invisible foe, trying to protect their 3 eggs, all because of the explosions of fireworks..)

Life continues for the Eagles...They have adapted well to the suburban life...

I am happy for them, but also sad because some day all that vegetation will close down the only window that allows us to watch them from afar, and marvel to their discipline, commitment and dedication to their offspring...