Deerfield Eagles Nest Week 6 Christmas day

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Deerfield Eagles Nest Week 6 Christmas day

Hello everyone,

Happy Holidays to you all. I was able to get to the nest this week end and get some good pictures, I can't tell if there is chicks yet, but it seems like the birds are sitting higher in the nest. When I arrived it looked like the female sitting on a tree near the nest and the male in the nest, She approached the nest and started eating something that was covered with flies, I guess it was a recent kill of sorts. He got up and said something in "eagle lingo" and took off. She sat on the nest for a while, it didn't look like she was tending to anything in the nest, so maybe they are not hatched yet. Here's a couple of pictures as he was leaving the nest, and I will add some later as I process them.


Her eating in the background and him calling out

Him getting ready to leave
AKA: Kit O.
Nature Photographer, Model rocket builder, designer and flyer
Remote Control Gliders & Rocket powered Gliders as a hobby,
AUTOCAD engineer professionally for Fire Alarm Systems in Ft. Lauderdale Itnl. Airport (FLL) & PBIA as well.
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Re: Deerfield Eagles Nest Week 6 Christmas day

Very nice photos, Kit!

Interesting observations. If one of the adult soon settled down deep in the nest it would indicate that incubation is still underway. This may have been an exchange of incubation or brooding duties between the parents but again it would be difficult to reach any conclusions without more observations.

Look forward to seeing some more images. Thanks!