Eagle Sighting in Sonoma County California - ID?

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Eagle Sighting in Sonoma County California - ID?

Mike Fossler

I was visiting Sonoma County, California and took this photo - is this a juvenile Bald Eagle or could it be a juvenile Golden Eagle?

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Re: Eagle Sighting in Sonoma County California - ID?

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I have only seen adult Golden Eagles and usually at a distance or on the
ground. It could be an adult Golden Eagle-- the young have white on
wings and  some banding on tail.

On 6/5/2021 11:04 PM, Mike Fossler [via Bald Eagles of Broward County,
Florida] wrote:
> Ken,
> I was visiting Sonoma County, California and took this photo - is this
> a juvenile Bald Eagle or could it be a juvenile Golden Eagle?
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      Ken Schneider

Ken and Mary Lou Schneider
Miramar, Florida

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Re: Eagle Sighting in Sonoma County California - ID?


A juvenile Bald eagle would have bulging secondaries and show some white on wings and breast.

Adult Golden Eagle from the reference above  (Copyrighted Cornell Lab):

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Re: Eagle Sighting in Sonoma County California - ID?

Mike Fossler
Oh my, that Golden Eagle adult from the reference looks identical to my photo!? I never got a look at the topside of this eagle but it did fly over me initially before it began circling up - it was quite large.

Thanks for the info Ken!