Eagle Watch End of Season Picnic

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Eagle Watch End of Season Picnic

A note from Matt Smith, Florida Audubon EagleWatch Coordinator May 14, 2015):

Good Afternoon EagleWatchers!

Tomorrow marks the official end of eagle nesting season in Florida, but as we all know, eagles don’t have calendars! If your nest is still active, please keep at it! I am always humbled by the efforts you all make to help protect Florida’s eagles, and this year has been exceptional. We have been fortunate to welcome many new volunteers and new areas in which EagleWatch is active, as well as benefitting from the dedication, experience and thoughtful diligence of volunteers who have formed the backbone of EagleWatch for many years. Thank you to all of you, what you do for Florida’s Eagles is priceless.

I would also like to let everyone know that we are planning an end of season get together on May 30th. I know that this is bit of short notice, and I apologize for that. If you can make it, we would love to see you there. Details are below; please let me know if you plan on attending. Please reply to mcsmith@audubon.org. I am using my gmail account because my Outlook account is currently experiencing problems sending to large groups.

EagleWatch End of Season Picnic

May 30, 2015 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

9018 Lake Hickory Nut Drive,
Winter Garden, FL 34787


 Huge thanks to Candi Shelton for offering her place to host this event. Hope to see you there!

All the best,

Matt Smith
Audubon EagleWatch Coordinator
Office: 407-644-0190
Cell: 407-636-0668
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