Eagles and Hurricane Matthew

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Eagles and Hurricane Matthew

Good advice from Florida Audubon EagleWatch Coordinator Reinier Munguia:

Dear EagleWatcher

With hurricane Matthew slowly approaching Florida's east coast, I want to remind you that your safety always comes first.  While the welfare of our nesting eagles is of great concern, your safety is even more important.  Birds are better prepared to deal with natural disasters than we are.  
Once the storm is over and the road conditions are safe to drive, you could inspect your assigned nest(s) for any damage. It's early enough in the season that the loss of eggs or nestlings will be minimal if any, but for sure many nests could give up to the strong winds associated with hurricane Matthew.  Check for road conditions prior to departing and avoid flooded roads. Do not venture into water even if it's shallow as there's always the risk of submerged power lines and storm related debris.

Please report back to us any fallen nest or damage to the nesting tree or structure as soon as practical via email or by phone. Please be safe and take all precautions necessary and hope for the best.  

Reinier Munguia
Audubon EagleWatch Coordinator
cel. 863-797-7374
off. 407-644-0190 ext 118