Eaglets rescued when nest falls near our Illinois home

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Eaglets rescued when nest falls near our Illinois home

The first active Bald Eagle nest in Broward County since before the 1970s, in Pembroke Pines, is only about 1 1/2 miles from our Florida home. Similarly, the first post-DDT nest in Kane County was discovered two years ago only about a mile away from our second home in Illinois. This past week, the nest was blown down in a windstorm. Two eaglets were rescued and an artificial best was constructed in the nest tree. So far, the eaglets appear to be doing well.

I took this photo last month

Here is a link to the news story:

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Re: Eaglets rescued when nest falls near our Illinois home

Follow-up on fate of the two Illinois eaglets:

The parents did not feed them in the temporary nest structure, so Flint Creek Rehab took them into custody. They are doing well.

For more information, follow them on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/flintcreek?sk=wall