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FEB 12 & 16: No activity noted in or around PP nest

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FEB 12 & 16: No activity noted in or around PP nest

1831 posts
On 2/16 I visited the nest from before 10:00 AM until 10:45 and saw no activity. If there were an adult incubating I would have expected to at least see the top of its head occasionally, as they normally change position every 15-20 minutes. I checked the roost sites and looked all along the block along Pines between 208th & 209th and also walked south a ways into 208th but found no eagles.

Phil Martin had written on 2/12 at 11:27 AM:

I just left the nest. Pride was down low. He only pops his head up for a second. I left at 10:45 and the female has not come to change shifts.

Later on 2/12, at 5:03 PM Phil wrote: I just visited the nest and there was no activity. I also checked the general area for adults and that was also negative.

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Re: FEB 12 & 16: No activity noted in or around PP nest

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