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FEB 19 & 26: Eagles over W Miramar and disturbance at nest site

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FEB 19 & 26: Eagles over W Miramar and disturbance at nest site

1831 posts

Phil reported not seeing any eagles at the nest the past two days. We assume that incubation is continuing, but this morning's report  is a bit concerning. If anyone has any update on this disturbance, please let us know. I cannot get out there today. Phil writes:

I was at the nest yesterday (February 25) at 10:00 and there was no visible Bald Eagle activity.

This morning (February 26) at 10:25 again there was no visible activity. However, there are construction crews taking down the fence and cutting down the brush in front of the nest.

On February 19 I just after sunrise got a distant photo of an adult eagle flying Southeast  from the direction of the nest towards the large lake in Sunset Lakes (Miramar Parkway & SW 195th Ave).
I assume it was one of the adults from the Pembroke Pines nest:

This morning (February 26), from almost the same position, just about sunrise (6:48 AM) an immature eagle flew over, this time from west to east towards the Harbour Lakes subdivision. Its course was from some point south of the nest. It seems to be a third year bird, as it has a light beak and considerable white on its head and breast, with the dark "osprey eye" streak and contrasting dark chest. The poor light and distance contributed to an underexposed image:

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Re: FEB 19 & 26: Eagles over W Miramar and disturbance at nest site

266 posts
Why are people there taking down a fence and getting anywhere near the nest ?