FWC and US FWS visited the NW Miami Nest DA941 (Temporary Number)

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FWC and US FWS visited the NW Miami Nest DA941 (Temporary Number)

Ricardo Zambrano, Regional Biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, informed us that he was on site on February 19 with a law enforcement agent from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  They observed two adult bald eagles in the nest.  At some point one of them must have left since one came back carrying soft nest material (as opposed to sticks).  

They also met with the project superintendent and discussed timelines, equipment, and plans. That person was a different person than the one mentioned earlier.  

The road is scheduled to be finished late next week and then opened to traffic.  However, after that they will begin removing the asphalt from the existing two lanes and then repaving. Michelle Vandeventer is contacting Miami-Dade County since this is their project.

Mr. Zambrano, FWC law enforcement, and the U.S.F.W.S. law enforcement are continuing to follow investigate this and will let us know more as information becomes available.