While the female Eagle is brooding eaglet(s) still not visible...

The male Eagle is running the errands...here flying very low over the canal...

Carrying something for the nest (Could it be food, could it be fluff...)

The Eagle flew into the nest and did the delivery...and an Eaglet showed!...Sorry for the fuzzy of the picture...

While the Eagle in nest duties (presumable the female) continued feeding the eaglet, the other Eagle perched in its habitual branch...here a panoramic...

From that vantage point the Eagle saw an unwelcome presence

...an Osprey...and went immediatelly to confront and flush the intruder...

Above image is a still of video we took of the confrontation...All happened high up in the air at high speeds..they showed talons several time to each other...Eventually the Osprey left and the Eagle came back to the nest area...He and his partner still have a lot to do in terms of feeding, protecting and preparing their offspring(s) for the future....Here the best image I could capture of the Eaglet...