Friday (April,24) 4:30-7:45 at the nest area.

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Friday (April,24) 4:30-7:45 at the nest area.

Jill W
There were no eagles in sight anywhere until 5:55 when an adult flew around for a couple of minutes and then disappeared above the neighborhood to the north.  I walked to the dead trees to the west quite a few times, but never saw an eagle in there.  I was about to give up at 7:15, but there was a nice cool breeze, so I waited a bit longer and then at 7:25, both kids flew to the nest!  It made me so happy to see that they were together and doing just fine.  No sign of adults when I left at 7:45.

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Re: Friday (April,24) 4:30-7:45 at the nest area.

Carolyn J
Hey, Jill, bet you were able to sleep easy after knowing the kids were bedded down for the night!