Friday - Midday - One adult/No Juveniles

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Friday - Midday - One adult/No Juveniles

Friday, May 1, 11:30am-to-12:10pm

On arrival, the nest was empty, but one adult was perched on a maleleuca aprox. 75 yards south of Pines Blvd and 50 yards west of 209 Ave.  That adult was gone about 15 minutes later.  There was no sign of either Hope or Justice in the nest area or the maleleucas, including about a half mile along U.S. 27 south of Pines Blvd.  I kept an eye on the skies and likewise saw nothing.

It was pretty hot out there, however, there were still a few people who stopped by to take a look.  They were all first time watchers at the site who had heard of our eagles.  There was dissappointment at not seeing the birds, but I showed copies of a few photos taken by our various photographers which elicited exciting responses.  One couple plans to return this evening.  
I expect to be at the nest site this evening between 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm.
