OK, after looking for a while I determined that whatever I was looking at was not a living object, but it certainly caught my eye. When I stopped by the nest last night I noticed what looked like a small, fuzzy object at the left rim of the nest. I looked and looked and looked for some kind of movement that could help me determine what, exactly, I was looking at, but, alas, I could detect no movement. I tried to imagine what it could be. It was quite a windy evening, and possibly I was looking at the wind filled, up lifted feathers of an eagle rump, or head? Or perhaps some tasty, fuzzy morsel was left at the edge of the nest in preparation for the happy event we are all eagerly awaiting? What ever it was, I don't think it had been there previously. I also was not able to detect any sign of an adult on the nest, however I know from past experiences that they can quite disappear below the edge of the nest for some length of time and just when I begin to wonder if something had drawn them out of the nest, I see it briefly rise, poke around at something in the bottom of the nest before quickly settling back down in a different position. I communicated with Lynda White, Eagle Watch coordinator, and she advised that the eagles will sit higher in the nest, once an egg has hatched. They do this as they try to keep the remaining egg incubated while at the same time not crush the new eaglet. I will be visiting the nest frequently these next few days! Can't wait!!