[Fwd: Emailing: Osprey Electrocution Lake St George 5/30/2010]

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[Fwd: Emailing: Osprey Electrocution Lake St George 5/30/2010]

Always a concern, particularly as roosting places for our eagles become scarcer with each wind storm. The dead melaleucas will not be standing much longer.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Emailing: osprey electrocution lake st george 5302010
Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 12:48:00 -0400
From: Barb Walker [hidden email]

  I got a call this morning of an osprey down at Lake St. George and Tampa
Road.  The caller told me the bird was laying under a pole. I went right out
there, especially when I heard the words "under a pole".  The Osprey appears
to have been electrocuted or fatally wounded/burned from the incident.  The
pole was on fire when I got there so I called Progress Energy.  They sent
out a truck right away. They do not have  a salvage permit yet so they
buried the osprey onsite.

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osprey electrocution lake st george 5302010

Ken Schneider
Miramar, Florida & North Aurora, Illinois

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