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[Fwd: FW: Thank you and nest photos]

Barbara Walker's e-mail is a sober reminder that this could be the fate
of the eagle nest tree in Pembroke Pines. An exotic Australian Pine with
brittle wood and shallow roots, towering above the Melaleucas, it could
easily become the victim of a windstorm. In the case of this nest, the
eaglets had already fledged when the tree came down.

Click on the photo links at bottom of message to view them.


Ken Schneider
Miramar, Florida & North Aurora, Illinois

Web site: http://www.rosyfinch.com
Local Eagle Nest: http://www.rosyfinch.com/BaldEagleNest.html
Sandia Crest Birding Forum: http://rosyfinch.com/Rosy-FinchFORUM.html
Blog: http://blog.rosyfinch.com
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/rosyfinch 

"Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli)
"I am at peace with everything when I can feel, hear, smell and see the amazing wonders that nature can provide." (Ryan Beaulieu, 1987-2005)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: Thank you and nest photos
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 21:09:34 -0400
From: Barb Walker <barbibird@tampabay.rr.com>
To: 'Barb Walker' <barbibird@tampabay.rr.com>

FYI - this is regarding PS014 a very popular nest with locals and tourists.
The nest tree fell earlier this week in the heavy rains and wind. It had
been on close watch throughout the season and wasn't expected to stand the
whole season but it made it and fledged two young.


-----Original Message-----
From: Barb Walker [mailto:barbibird@tampabay.rr.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:55 PM
To: 'Zeigler, Corey'; 'Richardson, Wayne'; 'Witte, David'; 'Seixas, Melissa
L.'; 'suzanne.hamilton@pgn.com'; 'suzanne.grant@pgn.com';
'david.bruzek@pgn.mail.com'; 'Zablo, Lynn'
Cc: 'Jim Damaske'; 'Andrea Webb'; 'WaltSpina@aol.com';
'craigndrivercats@aol.com'; 'fbuckman@pascocountyfl.net'; 'michelle';
'WHITE, Lynda'; 'Kirkpatrick, Ulgonda'
Subject: Thank you and nest photos

I want to thank everyone with Progress Energy for allowing us to see the
fallen eagles nest today (PS014). I truly appreciate your time and the
energy that you put into the environment. I am amazed that you are rescuing
woodpeckers in the middle of the night and then up and early for beach clean
ups.  Doubling potential nesting places for kestrels and tirelessly putting
up platforms for ospreys are all in a day's work for you and greatly admired
by me.  More people should know about the good deeds accomplished by
Progress Energy employees. Most of all, the company remains open to public
participation in the welfare of wildlife, with communication that goes both
ways, and that is truly treasured by advocates and conservationists in this

Here are some photos taken today by Andrea and me.  I've sized them down in
case you would like to use any of them. I've included photos of 3 of the
nearest pines as well as some habitat available across the water.  The area
to the north of the plant is very good too.  The land across from the power
plant is good foraging habitat but I didn't spot any obvious potential
nesting trees.  Many of the trees in the area of the nest tree are sick, but
many appear to be suitable nesting trees.  The swan diverters are up, and
the poles are capped, and overall this is a good and safe home for Bald
Eagles thanks to Progress Energy.  Hopefully the trees can be evaluated to
find the cause of the sickness and remedied with the goal of new growth/new
pines being planted to benefit the eagle population in the long term.  The
only remaining suggestions I have to improve the area further is for Pasco
County to take steps toward lowering the speed limit, and to remove the
metal spikes from the poles at the boat ramp as soon as possible, as birds
are being impaled. Enhanced trails will be an added benefit and increase
safety for locals and tourists who enjoy the many different birds in the

Thank you,
Barb Walker

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