Dear Kenneth C,
Even after the April 20 BP explosion in the Gulf -- now
the largest oil spill in U.S. history -- 19 new drilling plans in the
Gulf were approved without environmental review. Now, the Center for Biological Diversity
is working to halt risky offshore drilling by ensuring that the oil
industry can't skirt environmental laws.
President Obama described the agency that oversees
drilling as "too cozy" with the offshore-oil industry, yet the steps
taken so far aren't enough to end dangerous drilling. The utter
lack of environmental review during agency approvals of drilling plans
is one sign of this chummy relationship, as is the systematic
suppression of scientists' input and scientific reports. The fox is
still guarding the henhouse.
We need your help to tell our government that this lax oversight is
inexcusable. Just as BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling plan escaped
scrutiny, the official policy continues to exempt drilling plans from
conducting any meaningful analysis of the risks and dangers of oil
The president's Council for Environmental Quality is reviewing the
policy that allows drilling to go forward without review, and you can
help stop this practice. We have until June 17 to submit comments. Please send a letter today.
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Subject: Offshore Oil Drilling Needs
Environmental Review
Dear President Obama,
I am writing to urge the Council on Environmental Quality to protect
our coasts and oceans through rigorous environmental review of offshore
oil and gas activities throughout the United States. The conduct of the
Minerals Management Service that preceded the April 20, 2010 Deepwater
Horizon oil rig explosion is shameful and will blight our nation's
history and the environment.
The use of the categorical exclusion process has been an ineffective
tool for ensuring thorough environmental review of oil and gas
activities. The oil and gas industry has had a free pass with respect
to complying with the laws demanding protection of marine mammals,
endangered species, and clean water. This can no longer continue,
especially in light of the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico.
The U.S. government has a responsibility to protect natural resources
for the benefit of its citizens. The National Environmental Policy Act
seeks to guarantee this protection through analyzing relevant
environmental risks and allowing public participation. The use of
categorical exclusions in the context of approvals for oil and gas
activities eviscerates this law entirely.
Please act now to end all use of categorical exclusions for oil and gas
activities. Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on this
important review of the Minerals Management Service's policies,
practices, and procedures. Thank you.
Please take action by June 17, 2010.
Donate now to support our work.
BP spill flaring operation photo
by Patrick Kelly, U.S. Coast Guard.
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