Haven't seen the eagles

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Haven't seen the eagles

Just wondering if the eagles have left the area...  I drive by daily on my way to work and haven't seen the eagles in awhile...
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Re: Haven't seen the eagles

Hellene may be able to provide you with any information about sightings in the area of the Quiet Waters nest. Adults in south Florida are believed to wander about in the region during the non-breeding season, and immatures are known to migrate north during the summer, returning in the fall. A single adult has been occasionally seen roosting near the nest I follow in Pembroke Pines. We expect the adults to return to the nest during late September and begin reconstruction during October or early November, as they have done over the past six breeding seasons. Let's hope both the Quiet Waters and the Pembroke Pines eagles follow the pattern of using the same nest in subsequent years. Keep an eye out for them!
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Re: Haven't seen the eagles

Thanks...  I will definitely keep my eyes open and hope they return!
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Re: Haven't seen the eagles

Hellene Grundler
In reply to this post by Speechykeane
I was at the nest site Saturday evening (13th) and caught a quick glimpse of an adult flying out of the tree. He/she flew north west. Keeping my fingers crossed that the bald eagle pair come back to this nest.
Hellene Grundler/EagleWatch monitor
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Re: Haven't seen the eagles

Glad to hear you saw one near the nest...  I keep looking daily...  Crossing MY fingers they come back too!