Hawk attacks eagle and is killed and eaten in return

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Hawk attacks eagle and is killed and eaten in return

These are two interesting You Tube videos of Bald Eagles. If not visible, click on the links.


Published on Mar 24, 2013
Hawk Attacks Bald Eagle Hatching Eggs (Amazingly, the eggs subsequently hatched!)

There has recently been a nest exchange and Dad is sitting the eggs. We are expecting a hatch, today actually. Then this crazed hawk shows up and tries to attack an adult Bald Eagle. As of 3-25-2013 there is 1 confirmed eaglet hatch and is being fed. As of 3-26-2013 both chicks have hatched. The Bald Eagle family can we seen at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/eagle-cam

= = = = = =
Also of interest:


Published on Apr 29, 2012
Minnesota Bald Eagles bring cat? to nest and then a fish.. 4/29/12

You are watching a video from a LIVE streaming video of a nesting pair of Bald Eagles located in central Minnesota, USA. Positioned 75 feet in the air, this camera is 100% powered by solar energy. It is equipped with audio and pan tilt zoom features. Thanks to Broadband Corp's wireless network, they are able to bring you this rare look into nature. Please show them your appreciation for all of their hard work. Special thanks to Broadband MN and Hutchinson Co-op Agronomy for making this possible!