Hurricane destroyed Palm Springs North nest DA004, last sighting OCT 5, 2016

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Hurricane destroyed Palm Springs North nest DA004, last sighting OCT 5, 2016

An observer writes (OCT 23, 2017):

I saw your eagle site and your contact information and wanted to let you know about the PSN nest. In short: The eagles were last seen by me at the nest on October 5, 2016, the afternoon before a big storm hit us last year. They never came back.

I drive by the nest everyday, 2 to 4 times, and have never seen them again.

This last hurricane finally destroyed the large nest that was on the massive Australian pine. Although I have seen bald eagles twice since the original abandonment, near the tree and nest, I never saw these go near the nest.  These birds looked to be unrelated immature birds.

I have not heard anything new about the planned construction of the Wal-mart and Publix on the eagle nest site since the eagles and the nest are no longer there.