I'm going to be late today.

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I'm going to be late today.

Jill W
I've been having a two day nightmare because of a UPS driver who is not very swift.
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Re: I'm going to be late today.

Is that the new camera you are waiting for? Can't wait to see your photos!
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Re: I'm going to be late today.

Jill W
Yes, it is a new camera!  However, now that I'm looking at it and the instruction manual, I feel intimidated.  It may be a while before I learn to use it
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Re: I'm going to be late today.

Great! I have discovered some helpful information about my Canon 30D
that is much easier to understand than the manual that came with it. One
source is a series called "Magic Lantern" guides to the various models
as well as to digital photography in general. Amazon.com  has useful
reviews and also links to low priced used and new Magic Lantern manuals.

If you Google you can find other resources, such as Ken Rockwell's Web
site, which has lots of good information, especially for Nikon and Canon
digital SLRs.

Ken Schneider
Miramar, Florida & North Aurora, Illinois

Web site: http://www.rosyfinch.com
Eagle Nest: http://www.rosyfinch.com/BaldEagleNest.html
Blog: http://blog.rosyfinch.com
Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/rosyfinch 

"Openness to the natural world and our response to it lie at the core of what we do and why we do it." (Fr. Tom Pincelli)

JillW (via Nabble) wrote:

> Yes, it is a new camera!  However, now that I'm looking at it and the
> instruction manual, I feel intimidated.  It may be a while before I
> learn to use it
> Jill
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Re: I'm going to be late today.

Jill W
Thanks so much, Ken!  I will definitely check out those sources of information you recommended.