Interactive map of Florida's Bald Eagle Nests

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Interactive map of Florida's Bald Eagle Nests

Audubon Florida EagleWatch Nest Map provides the location and updated status of all the reported and verified Bald Eagle nests in Florida. Some may have been inactive for many years or never documented as to activity.

Zoom in and click on the individual nest sites for more information. The nest may be located within 0.1 miles of the pointer, so scroll out a bit to see it if it is obscured by the text box.

"...This nest map includes all nests documented by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). Accuracy of the nest locations varies based on documentation method but is generally estimated to be within 0.1 miles of the true location. Not all Bald Eagle nests in Florida have been documented by FWC. Non-documented nests receive the same level of protections as FWC documented nests. To report a new or undocumented Bald Eagle nest, please contact the EagleWatch Program Manager at or FWC at

For nests monitored by EagleWatch, the nest data provided is current through the 2018-2019 nesting season..."