We visited the nest on Jan 22 but only noticed the female low in the nest, possibly still incubating..Male arrived around 4:00 PM and switched duties with the female..
On Jan 29 and 30 we visited again..We saw a lot more of activity...The female was in the nest...

And then the male arrived with prey...

Got closer to the nest..

The eagle went straight to the nest and stayed there for a while, engaging along with the other eagle in what seemed to be a "Double Feeding"

Both Eagles stayed for a while...

Then One of them left to perch near by and proceed to clean the beak and groom feathers...

Then went back to the nest...the Eagle in the nest proceeded to perch in the talles tree in the area and bask in the sun...

Then it flew in the direction of Viscaya...

A resident hawk noticed when the Bald Eagle left...

But continued minding his business while the other Eagle continued alone what seemed to be a feeding session...