July 2: Jewel carrying prey at 7:12 AM; July 3: Both eaglets at nest

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July 2: Jewel carrying prey at 7:12 AM; July 3: Both eaglets at nest

On July 2 I saw this adult Bald Eagle flying over West Miramar at 7:12 AM. It was carrying a small object, possibly a prey item, and headed in the general direction of the Pines nest. This was not the male (Pride) as evidenced by the molt pattern of its wings. It appears to be heavy-bodied and long-winged and beak has a deep gape, so I presume it to be the female (Jewel).

Molt of the wingtip feathers is fairly symmetrical and does not show missing and damaged feathers on the left wingtip as is the case with Pride:

It is difficult to identify what she is carrying:

I arrived at the nest site at 7:30 AM this morning (July 3) and viewed the nest for about 45 minutes. I heard one eaglet calling as I approached, but otherwise they were silent. At first, I thought I could only see the female, but actually both eaglets were roosting close together on the nest support branch. The female is just at top of photo, and the male is behind and below her on the same branch:

The female (P Piney 24) spread her wings:

Then the darker and smaller (presumed male) moved up just above the female:

Before I departed I found a better camera angle which shows both eaglets:

A "Bonus Bird" was this Red-shouldered Hawk perched on a wire along the sidewalk just east of the nest: