June 2 -- A Visitor!

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June 2 -- A Visitor!

The Eaglets seem to be still around...I have not seen them this week...but heard them (both) greetings the adult on arrival...

Came from the west and flew slowly directly towards the nest area...

zig-zaging between the pines and banking, letting us see the molt feathers...

But the most noticeable event has been, no doubt, the visit of this other Raptor...

For two days in a row has been perching on the same dried up tree..

It is a quite a distance (and the light is low)...choose to  perch on top of one of the favorite places for the eaglets since is tall with a great view of the lake

It seem it has not disturbed the Eaglets, nor the adults...since no one has tried to flush it away...

It looks like an Osprey, establishing fishing rights on the lake, now that the Eaglets are ready to follow the prevailing winds, riding on the thermal updraft due north!!