Justice fledged this morning

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Justice fledged this morning

Lou called at afound 7:40 to report that Justice flew off the nest a little while ago. He flew to a tree a short distance to the west and had trouble maintaining his balance. He then flew back to the nest tree but could not hold on, and fell to the ground right under the nest. An adult brought in a fish and dropped it in the nest. Then the other adult appeared. The adults and the chick were calling. We will go there now and decide about calling FWC to evaluate the condition of the chick. I just put a call in for Brian Mealey for his advice.
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Re: Justice fledged this morning

I hope he will be ok, can you see him on the ground at all, do you still hear him?
live your life don't watch it go by . . .
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Re: Justice fledged this morning

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Oh Ken....no rest for the weary! Call me if you need my help in any way. (I'll keep checking back to the forum also.)