Juveniles around nest Thur am

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Juveniles around nest Thur am

I arrived at 9:25 and found Al watching Justice rest on the nest. He had been watching since 8:20 and said this was Justice's second visit. At 8:45 he flew in from the west and made a large circle to the north and then flew off towards the south. At 9:20 he was back on the nest, arriving from the south. Only the tail was visible as he faced east. At 9:50 he very quickly popped up and took off due east from the left side.

We watched the nest a while longer and then moved down to the maleleucas about 10:15 and found both the young about mid distance out, one above the other. Their dark shapes were clearly visible with the naked eye against the bleached out trees. With binoculars, you could see that Hope was above Justice and had a perch that enabled her to lean on a large dead tree trunk just to her east which seemed to be a buffer from the wind. Justice wasn't so positioned on a lower branch and was rocking back and forth using his wings to try to keep his balance. He seemed uncomfortable and took off to the south, flying low. Hope was still there when I departed just before 11:00.