On March 21 I visited the nest and found the female (Jewel) sitting high with her wings spread. She often reached down into the nest as if tending to an eaglet. I could not confirm feeding behavior as her head was often out of sight and none of my photos showed food in her beak. The next day, two observers were reported to have seen and photographed the top of a fuzzy white eaglet head. I went out at around 9:50 AM this morning (March 22) and watched the nest for a half hour, but the nest appeared unoccupied. This is unusual, as they nearly always stay on or near the nest when small eaglets are present. Possibly one of them was occupying a roost back out of our sight in the woodland which has a view of the nest. Luis had been there since 8:00 AM and earlier had seen both adults roosting in the tall tree at SW corner of Pines & 208th. He showed me his photo of the fuzzy head which moved in an out of view. Its beak and eyes were hidden below the rim of the nest. The male (Pride) flew over the nest at a great height and disappeared to the north.
Note Pride's the trademark black outer right tail feather, visible even in this greatly enlarged photo (March 22):