Marina Visit 10-30-24

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Marina Visit 10-30-24

Arrived at the marina at Quiet Waters at 1:00.  

I was so excited walking up to the nest tree to see with the naked eye the white head of an eagle.  Binoculars confirmed that this eagle was sitting near the spot where the nest was located in prior years.  A second eagle was perched on a large branch to the right. Observed until 1:30.  No activity or chatter.  

I was unable to determine if they are building a nest at the marina.  I did not go to the 10th street location.  

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Re: Marina Visit 10-30-24

That's great news!! I have been going to last year's location off Sawgrass and haven't seen them at all!! I've gone about 8 times, including this morning, went inside the marina once and didn't see them there either. I will have to go again to the marina side and see if they have chosen to go back inside! Thank you so much for the update.