Today visit started with an inspection to the nest...It has been loosing material and now it is reduced to a minimum..

However the Eaglets have been more concerned with FLYING...

They are always together, soar together and glide together...

They are really pushing it...going high, mastering the skies!

While up they try the high speed acrobatics they know they'll need later in life..

It looks they really enjoy being up...and we, mere humans bound to earth, look in awe how so young they have learnt to fly so beautifully...
Here "The Talker" crossing the canal..

Here the sibling we know as "The quiet one" following...

They are still sticking around. At least one Adult comes at the end of the day with food for them...They will depart soon, and I believe they will leave together..but we are glad of every extra day they give us...