Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 14th Visit

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Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 14th Visit

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Mom arrived from the north with some food The Eaglets are growing fast!...Some "Wingercise" and a lot of flapping seen today... More pics Both very alert and active all the time While Dad is in Watch duties.. All this catching the attention of this fellow...a Merlin Falcon (notice the band in the leg)...This Little Falcon shares territory with this Eagle Family and is an constant presence in the surroundings..
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Re: Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 14th Visit

Nice report and photos, Jorge! BTW that falcon is a Merlin. It was probably banded at a HawkWatch site during migration.

Many observers have noted that they seem to prefer the same territory as Bald Eagles. We often see them near the Pembroke Pines nest.

I saw a Merlin this morning-- no leg band that I could see.

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Re: Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 14th Visit

Thanks Ken, I stand corrected!...It is a Merlin Falcon!. I am going to update the original post with the proper name of the bird...
For several days now I have tried to get a close up to the band, so I can report the sighting to bandreports@usgs.gov...however I am still too far away for my lens to resolve the etching on the band...I'll keep trying...If I'lll ever do i'll post it here...