Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 27th Visit

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Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 27th Visit

Eaglets have been very active...

Very curious about what lies beyond...

Getting thru all those growing pains...

Flapping wings as soon as the wind picks up!

Doing bunny hops and "helicoptering" over the nest!

Soon they'll be branching and mastering flight...and leaving...They could ask this little fellow, inhabitant of the same area, a master flyer on its own, and also part of a remarkable multigenerational migration journey!!
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Re: Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 27th Visit

Jorge, you obtained a great open view of the nest and occupants. Was this from the west  side of the canal?

My guess is that they have occupied this nest for at least a couple of seasons following their displacement by the highway construction. It is a very large nest and they have been sighted in the area several times in past  seasons. The eaglets certainly are doing well and are ready to fly free. The youngsters will probably be returning to the nest to be fed for the next few weeks.

I will plan to set up a special Sub-forum for this nest.

Are you providing sightings reports to Florida EagleWatch?
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Re: Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 27th Visit

Thanks Ken,
I am providing sights to the Eagle Watch indeed. I am submitting  my observations twice a week...
Regarding the images, Yes...I took those pics from the west side of the canal, but you are correct, we found another spot to observe.  The bush is ticker and ticker by the day and now the view from the original vantage point is all but blocked...fortunately I found another spot, clearer view, but more distance...Here the map...the small x is the original spot, the larger x shows my new vantage point...

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Re: Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 27th Visit

In reply to this post by NotToofast
Excellent news the family picked a nice secluded area
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Re: Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 27th Visit

That is right!...For sure no one is going to try to walk just beneath the tree nest to snap a "selfie"!..I have seen some pics of people at the QW nest, acting like papparazzies...borderline harrasing the family in that nest...

From: naturegirl [via Bald Eagles of Broward County, Florida] <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 5:24:49 PM
To: NotToofast <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Miramar Eagles (DA005 Nest) March 27th Visit
Excellent news the family picked a nice secluded area

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