Multiple Visits May 11th - May 22nd

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Multiple Visits May 11th - May 22nd

The whole family is still around...Both Eaglets seem to venture farther and farther...but so far always around at the end of the day...
On this particular day both eaglets were perched on the dry palm...

But suddenly they flew away towards the Reserve at Huntington...The reason? They noticed a parent arriving with FOOD! so they went to intercept and escort! (and get the food first)...

They really tried...

The adult landed by the lake and one of the eaglets got the fish and the chase was on

This chase extended for about 4 minutes...with both eaglets showing extraordinary fligth skills...
At the end they landed by the lake...I doubt they shared...
They Fly

They pose

and sometimes "The Talker" calls...

Over and Over

But they know their parents are always nearby...Here one adult on a light pole by the Turnpike..