NE of Turnpike &I75 Intersection. Miramar Eagles

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NE of Turnpike &I75 Intersection. Miramar Eagles

Adult arriving to the nest with foodFood delivered and Eaglets eatingSnack time...

Feb 26 visit to the Miramar nest...
Eaglets are growing really fast...they are "winging" and moving around the nest. Both adults actively procure food for the little ones...Looks like the older one has already all the black feathers, whereas the smaller one is still in the process. Both have brown-white patches underneath the wings...
Interestingly, they were still fed by the adult...
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Re: NE of Turnpike &I75 Intersection. Miramar Eagles

Wow that is amazing news and they have 2 eaglets which look to be about 5-6 weeks old. Great catch finding them