NOV 19-20: Eagles seen flying and at nest

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NOV 19-20: Eagles seen flying and at nest

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An adult Bald Eagle flew over the west Miramar wetlands at 8:10 AM on NOV 19. Judging by the deep gape it probably was Jewel. She was flying from north to south in the direction of the large lake in Sunset Lakes, Miramar.

I visited the nest at 10:15 AM today (NOV 20). No eagles were present at nest or in the usual rooting areas. No sign that the nest had been repaired in any manner.*

Luis texted at 12:20 PM today (NOV 20) while watching the nest. Both adult were present. Female was on the nest and the male had just flown in to roost on the middle branch just above the nest. No report of nest building.

*A light morph Short-tailed Hawk flew over my head as I was watching the nest. Only got photos of it flying away. There have been quite a few sightings of this winter visitor near the eagle nest. Its diet consists of small birds, almost exclusively.