At 7:15 AM this morning an adult flew due south over Miramar Parkway at SW 192nd Ave:

I checked the nest at 10:00 AM and watched until 10:30. One adult was roosting on right nest support branch but the nest was not occupied. Adult then circled to east and disappeared to south. The nest looks to be in good shape. The cup, which appears to have been shifted more to the left since the storm damage, is quite deep so it will be important not to assume it is empty. Watch carefully to confirm continued presence of incubating female after first egg is laid, which may be within the next two-three weeks.

The eagles have lost important foraging land in the large plot in front of the high school. The entire block on north side of SW 209th -210th Avenues has been cleared and is being developed for a huge condominium project. The eagles frequently caught Cattle Egrets and White Ibises among the cattle which grazed there. This location often had a shallow flooded area.