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Nest Information

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Nest Information

413 posts

Has anyone been to this nest and can provide any information regarding the status of this nest? I assume there is people going out there. Please can you take a few minutes to update these forums? Thanks,

AKA: Kit O.
Nature Photographer, Model rocket builder, designer and flyer
Remote Control Gliders & Rocket powered Gliders as a hobby,
AUTOCAD engineer professionally for Fire Alarm Systems in Ft. Lauderdale Itnl. Airport (FLL) & PBIA as well.
Website: http://img.gg/a7WNYUF
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Re: Nest Information

32 posts
Yes, Kit!
I was there last Wednesday, Nov. 30th.  I saw one eagle, pretty sure it is the female, as it was big.  Came down from the nest, landed on a branch that is just above the water, took a few drinks.  Then proceeded to have a blast bathing in the water!! It was so cool to watch, the eagle stayed for probably 45 minutes drinking and bathing.  A beautiful sight!! I usually go Weds or Thurs mornings each week.

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Re: Nest Information

32 posts
In reply to this post by Rockitglider
Just realized you are posting under the Pembroke Pines nest!! My response was what I saw at Quiet Waters. Pride and Jewel are doing great, they are seen pretty much daily building and mating!  I was there a couple weeks ago, I also see daily updates on their Facebook page.
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Re: Nest Information

413 posts
I don't have access to that facebook page, they don't want anyone to post anything but Pembroke nest pictures. But if you're not going to use this forum which was created for anyone to use, then why not open up the facebook page to all the nests in the Broward County area? This forum was made for all the nests in the Broward county area. Is there anyone monitoring the Pembroke nest from the EagleWatch Program in here? And if so, do you post to their Facebook page with the progress of this nest? Thanks,

AKA: Kit O.
Nature Photographer, Model rocket builder, designer and flyer
Remote Control Gliders & Rocket powered Gliders as a hobby,
AUTOCAD engineer professionally for Fire Alarm Systems in Ft. Lauderdale Itnl. Airport (FLL) & PBIA as well.
Website: http://img.gg/a7WNYUF
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Re: Nest Information

89 posts
I have not made a visit to Pines.  The Facebook posts have shown nest building and mating.  No reports of eggs.  
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Re: Nest Information

413 posts
Thank you Sally

AKA: Kit O.
Nature Photographer, Model rocket builder, designer and flyer
Remote Control Gliders & Rocket powered Gliders as a hobby,
AUTOCAD engineer professionally for Fire Alarm Systems in Ft. Lauderdale Itnl. Airport (FLL) & PBIA as well.
Website: http://img.gg/a7WNYUF
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Re: Nest Information

28 posts
In reply to this post by Rockitglider
I went by the nest at 12 PM Saturday. Doubt there are any eggs as the eagles weren't near the nest for at least 15 minutes. I went at that time thinking if there were eggs at least one eagle woild be there at all times

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Re: Nest Information

1831 posts
In reply to this post by Rockitglider
I had to stop observing the Pembroke Pines nest back in October, 2021 due to health problems. I moved to Connecticut three months later. A local resident and long time nest watcher provided an update about the past two nesting seasons as well as the present status of the nest:

It has been a while since I updated you.

Last season ended with the nest totally collapsing one eaglet perished and I believe the other eaglet did survive and depart the area.

This year has been eventful:

Pride perished. He never returned this season.
Jewel has a new mate. He appears to be a young male.

They had a great deal of difficulty building a nest. The nest is **** (out in the open). Sadly there are many photographers visiting the nest. Many that only care about getting photos. I have counted as many as 40+ photographers in one morning. All within 50’ of the nest.

I can’t believe the nest hasn’t fallen. It is on a branch that doesn’t appear too sturdy. We have been having some wind and rain the past several days. The nest has sustained some damage but not to bad. I will go by on my way to church this morning.

I haven’t heard any chatter about the city selling the land.

Based on the behaviors yesterday, I think???? Jewel has laid an egg.