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One eagle chick out flying at 7:15 AM

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One eagle chick out flying at 7:15 AM

1831 posts
Steve is back from New York. He called at 7:15 AM to tell me that he had just seen one of the chicks fly to the east along Pines Boulevard and roost on top of a tall light standard at about 202nd Avenue, near the fire station. As he talked, it then took off and disappeared from view. He said it black and definitely an eagle. It flapped more than an adult normally does, which he thought made it look as if it were not very experienced in flying.  
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Re: One eagle chick out flying at 7:15 AM

Kelly Smith
23 posts
I saw what I was pretty sure was an eagle the other day when an adult had just flown in to the nest where the TWO eaglets were waiting.  The unidentified flying object followed the adult up to the nest, circled awkwardly around in front of the nest and then continued its erratic flight off to the west.  At first I thought that it was a vulture, but its head was too prominent and its wing flapping not like I've seen before.  I think it may have been last year's fledgling, since this year's were both accounted for on the nest.