Osprey Hatching

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Osprey Hatching

Mike Fossler
Here's a link to a video showing an Osprey hatching via nestcam in Dunedin, FL. It features Barbara Walker and is appearing today on the MSN Homepage!!!!

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Re: Osprey Hatching

Thanks, Mike! I put the search term "Osprey" into the search box to see the video. Great!

This may work as a PERMALINK to the Osprey video: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp=46891356%EF%BF%BD#46891356
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Re: Osprey Hatching

Jill W
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In reply to this post by Mike Fossler
Thanks, Mike and Ken!

I was not able to find it at first try.

BTW, the Decorah Bald Eagles are very busy right now with two newly hatched and very energenic eaglets.  Last time I checked, the third egg had not hatched, but some of the people say there is a pip on the egg.

It is really fascinating to watch.  We (PP eagle nest watchers) were not able to see what happens during the hatching, the day of hatching and the few days that follow.  Very interesting.

The two eaglets that were being fed this morning got into a beaking fight and it was scary to watch.  It seemed they were trying to steal food from each other (which there was none at the time of the fight) or eat each other!  The dad put an end to the fight by sitting on the two eaglets and the egg.


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Re: Osprey Hatching

Jill W
Oops!  Forgot to include a link.  http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles

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Re: Osprey Hatching

Mike Fossler
Thanks for the link modification Ken! I had simply grabbed it when I watched the video, but you know those sneaky peeps over there at Microsoft!