20 posts
Hello, not sure if any of you can help on this. My son played baseball several times at the Pembroke Shores baseball complex on SW 172nd Avenue just south of Pines. He is now older and doesn't play there any more, so I haven't been there in a couple of years.
I am not sure if any of you on here were aware, but thre was, at least teh last tiem I was there, an osprey nest on top of one of the light poles next to the field in the far corner at the south end of the park, closest to the lake--makes sense since the ospreys were close to the water. The pole was on the third base side of the field close to home plate. I remember one time there was part of a fish on the ground below the nest and some of the little siblings of the kids on the team thought it was cool.
My question is has anyone on here been there recently, and is the nest still there? I may try to swing by sometime soon and see, but its not on my way to anywhere in my current travels and I'm not sure when I would be able to get by. It was neat to see/hear the chicks calling out, parents bringing food, etc.
Thanks for any help that can be provided.