Please report condition of nest post-hurricane

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Please report condition of nest post-hurricane

Shawnlei Breeding, Audubon EagleWatch Program Coordinator has posted this urgent request to report the condition of Florida's Bald Eagle nests following Hurricane Irma:

"When you are able and it is safe to visit your nest, we could use your help collecting information on how your eagle nests fared in the storm. To make it as easy as possible to collect the information, Julie’s office created a handy online form that you can complete from your smart phone, tablet or laptop: With FWC revising the Bald Eagle Management Plan, we think it’s important that there is a clear understanding of how this storm has affected nest availability for the coming season."

Please also post nest condition reports here as well as any information about the presence of adults and their behavior.

This is Shawnlei's full message:


It has been a challenging week, hasn’t it? I know many of you across the state are still without power, water and/or phones and internet access. My office at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey is still without power, phones and internet. I am fortunate to have power at home but no internet, so I am sending this from a local sandwich shop. J Thankfully, I am able to view my emails on my mobile phone, so that is the best way to reach me over the next few days. We hope to have all services restored back at the Center by early next week.

Because of Irma, FWC sent out a notice today that they have elected to reschedule tomorrow’s Bald Eagle Species Action Plan (SAP) webinar. They have not announced the replacement date yet, but I will let you all know as soon as I do. You may also sign up to receive email updates on the process directly from FWC by emailing I encourage you to do so if you are interested in providing feedback on the draft SAP as this is the most efficient way to receive a copy of the draft and access the time-sensitive information and details on how to submit comments on the draft.

In preparation to provide feedback on the draft SAP, I have been talking with Julie Wraithmell, the Deputy Executive Director of Audubon Florida. She is especially interested to know how many nests were impacted by Hurricane Irma. When you are able and it is safe to visit your nest, we could use your help collecting information on how your eagle nests fared in the storm. To make it as easy as possible to collect the information, Julie’s office created a handy online form that you can complete from your smart phone, tablet or laptop:

With FWC revising the Bald Eagle Management Plan, we think it’s important that there is a clear understanding of how this storm has affected nest availability for the coming season. I know several of you have emailed me directly, or posted on Facebook or in the database about the status of your nests. I apologize for duplicating effort, but completing this form will allow Julie’s office to quickly gather the data she wishes to present to FWC. If you have any trouble accessing the form, you may send me your compiled notes on your nests and I will enter them for you.
Thanks so much for your help with this.
Many of your pairs are back and working on their nests or rebuilding after Irma. While it has been hard to hear the reports of nests gone and trees down, I’m just so glad that Irma came early, before eggs were laid.

For pairs that lost their nest tree, they will likely rebuild in the area. Your observations and help finding these relocations will be invaluable. Thank you again for all you do for the eagles!

Shawnlei Breeding

Audubon EagleWatch Program Coordinator
1101 Audubon Way
Maitland, FL 32751
407-644-0190, x118
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Re: Please report condition of nest post-hurricane

Fortunately or unfortunately, the Quiet Waters nest was pretty much gone before hurricane Irma...  I did see the pair about a week or so before the storm, but have not seen them since..  I have not spent much time near the area though.. This pair of eagles has lost their nest before, so hoping they will rebuild again..