Report from Illinois

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Report from Illinois

Reading you accounts of the PP eagles' return to the nest, and the possibility of another Broward County nest, as well as the Miami Lakes sightings, makes us homesick for Florida.

Early this morning, Mary Lou and I hiked Nelson Lake/Dick Young Forest Preserve, not far from our second home in  in Kane County, Illinois. Our first stop was a platform that overlooks the lake, which is encircled by a 3 1/2 mile perimeter trail. We spotted an adult Bald Eagle across the lake, about a mile away. I rushed to get closer, and it surprised me by flying up and then landing on a lakeside snag only about 100 feet away!

Illinois Eagles

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Re: Report from Illinois

Spectacular shots, Ken! You are definitely staying in top form for when you all arrive back in FL!
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Re: Report from Illinois

Mike Fossler
In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Lucky you! Keep up the good work.