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Request for help

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Request for help

1831 posts
I apologize for my lack of communication. A health condition and subsequent surgery kept me from visiting the nest since early October. Since then I moved to Connecticut where MaryLou and I have joined the household of our daughter, son-in-law and our two granddaughters. Reluctantly, I had to give up my duties as a Florida Audubon NestWatch volunteer.

There have been only a few recent observations posted to the Pembroke Pines nest sub-FORUM (Thank you NotTooFast!). If anyone has technical problems in joining or posting observations and photos, please let me know. Surely the birds have laid eggs and may be expecting eaglets any day now.

As the only Administrator of this FORUM, I really need some assistance. This only involves a few rather simple tasks such as screening and accepting requests from users to subscribe or become Members. Nabble has quite effective spam filters but all applicants must be vetted to be sure they are humans and not advertisers or trolls.

If anyone wishes to serve as co-Administrator, please let me know. Ideally, the FORUM should be embedded on a dedicated web page. It must be a privately owned site as third-party web pages such as Blogger, WordPress and the like run into coding conflicts. There may be any number of co-Administrators, but it is easier to coordinate if there are only a few.

South Florida Audubon expressed some interest in hosting a mirrored copy of the FORUM on their web site, but so far this has not materialized. Anyone with a web page can embed a copy of the entire Forum. Members can freely post as usual on the additional embedded copies, but only an Administrator may make changes in fthe structure of the pages or control access.

Please let me know if you are interested. It is essential that all of the wonderful content, photos and history of these four nests are preserved (and new nests hopefully added in the future). To assure continuity of the FORUM someone (or several people) must share the Administrator duties.

Reach me by posting a reply or by email:    ken@rosyfinch.com

Thanks so much!

PS: Here is a link to my recent blog which tells more about my move to Connecticut:

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Re: Request for help

89 posts
Happy New Year!  

Please consider me for the position of assisting you with vetting new users.  This type of task seems to fit within my comfort level of ability.  

Congratulations and good luck on your journey in Connecticut (my original home State).  

Your blog and this forum have provided many years of enjoyment.   Looking forward to many more.

